Monday, September 27, 2004

Cranky is the word of the day.

I'm in one of those unexplainable fussy moods where nothing makes me happy and I'm generally listless. Being at camp means that you never really get a moment to yourself without someone knocking a friendly hello, which you then feel guilty about feeling resentful of. I guess this is where my loner side kicks in.

The kids have been fighting and crying and generally being horrendous to each other. One kid smeared toothpaste all over the other kid's bed. S, the former sweetheart, alternates between being a little monster and wanting to blow love strawberries on my neck. X competes with S for my attention, making him the equivalent of a limp puppet hanging around my neck half the time. Oh, and we haven't had running hot water for 3 days and the food has been awful. It's been eggs, oatmeal, mac and cheese, bread, and more and more empty carbs. What I want tomorrow morning is a leisurely breakfast of strawberries and cream and a good book. I want to read out in the sun on a lounge chair. Alone. I don't want to see or talk to anyone.

Originally uploaded by nantron
One of our other international counselors Red, from Monaco. Drum it!